Basics for the Operationalization of PALM-4U – Practicability and Continuation Strategy
Cities are particularly sensitive to climate change. At the same time, cities change slowly. Therefore, preparatory measures for the effect of climate change have to be taken urgently. High-performance urban climate models are the basis for prospective planning decisions, however, as of today no practice-oriented model exists. Therefore, the funding program Urban Climate Under Change [UC]² aims to develop an innovative and user-friendly urban climate model that allows simulating present and future climate and air pollution problems in urban areas.
With the second phase of the research program [UC]2, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is pursuing the goal of further developing the new urban climate model PALM-4U (developed in the first phase) into a product that meets the needs of municipalities and other practical users as well as scientific research.
The program is structured into three collaborating modules: Module A (further development of PALM-4U) – MOSAIK-2; Module B (evaluation and scientific application of PALM-4U) – 3DO+M; Module C (operationalisation of PALM-4U) - ProPolis. The modules cooperate closely and complement each other in various tasks, but also work independently towards their respective objectives. ProPolis is based on the results of two joint projects from the first phase – KliMoPrax and UseUClim.

On this website you will find further information about ProPolis, our goals, approach and project partners. We are constantly updating the content about the project progress and relevant research outcomes. In addition, impressions from the current research process will be regularly published here.