Work packages
According to the goal setting, the project is divided into three thematic blocks that are closely related to each other and include altogether six work packages (WP). The first block is devoted to development of a continuation strategy (WP1) together with all necessary contents. In the second block the practicability of the model will be examined and further developed. This includes definition of application fields (WP3) together with partners from practice in so-called Living Labs (WP2) as well as further development of the graphical user interface into a user-friendly tool (WP4). The third block involves capacity building measures (WP5) and laying foundation for the national and international Community of Practice (WP6).
The tasks within the work packages will not be isolated from each other. Almost all tasks constantly require efficient teamwork and close cooperation with the partners from practice. Therefore inter- and transdisciplinary competencies of all project participants are of vital importance for the successful completion of the project.